Thursday, December 24, 2009

Why Indo Fusion ?

Well, let's see.. Fusion food is a style of cooking which is becoming increasingly popular the world over but it seems, also increasingly controversial. Some people seem to think that ingredients from different world cuisines should never meet on the same plate. :)

The term "fusion" originated in the U.S., as did the earlier term "Pacific Rim". (In case of confusion, in more ways than one, Modern European and Pacific Rim cuisines are one and the same thing - Fusion is a term that simply implies the fusion of several cuisines in one dish. While Pacific Rim cooking may conjure up images of palm trees and warm waters, many chefs in different corners of the world are busy scouring North Africa for couscous, the Mediterranean for olives and Thailand for galangal and lemon grass - ingredients not normally associated with the Pacific.

Fusion food in the 21st century could also mean casual, trendy and chatpatta stuff.

Diners' tastes and expectations are changing rapidly. Increasing air travel means that more people are traveling to exotic parts of the world where they can experience the "global store cupboard" for themselves. They enjoy experiencing these flavors again when they return to home shores.

Batavians will get to enjoy the taste of Indonesian food, with a local twist. And that can never go wrong.

It is a shame that critics are so divided over fusion food, and sad, too, that some arrive at the table armed with prejudices against anything innovative and popular. Why cannot they simply relax and accept that if something makes you excited, be it ayam penyet or daging panggang, then it is worthy of praise? No one is denying that classic dishes with traditional ingredients are fully deserving of the plaudits they receive, but no matter how brilliant and respected classical cuisine might be, cooking is a living art which changes and develops, as do the people who are eating and preparing it.

Enjoy it. Fusion food tastes good.

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